Music Bio
Belle’s music gets to the depths of things. It’s like a conversation that goes deep, fast, with a stranger you connect with. Her intimate vocals pair vulnerability with strength, and her melodious guitar and piano work draw you in for the ride.
Music has been a life-long personal retreat for Belle. A life-line at times. Now she’s letting others have a listen.
Her first single, I Am She, was a response to personal and witnessed experiences of misogyny and gender-based abuse. Confronting in moments, the song ultimately celebrates women, their support for one another, and their strength in the many forms it takes.
Her second single, Quick, is perhaps a little less confronting, but no less personal. When she wrote Quick, Belle felt like time was marching ahead of her and she was standing still. And even though she was stuck, change was happening without her intention or consent. Time was robbing her of parts of herself.
Quick is about the experience of change, and the grief, loss, resistance, nostalgia, acceptance, and beauty that comes with it.
Belle made the music video for Quick many years after writing the song, at a time in her life when it resonated in a new way: the year her youngest child started school. A quiet had set in, and she found that she could no longer recognise herself. The early years of parenthood had transformed her while her attention was tirelessly elsewhere, and now she could only define herself by what she was not: no longer a woman without children, no longer a mother of babies or toddlers.
She didn't set out to make a video that represented this, but in hindsight, that's what she was doing: bringing some new purpose to her days and processing all that she was feeling... The immense grief and joy of this next big change, and the understanding that with every loss was the potential for something new to emerge.
"While Belle Butler calls herself a singer-songwriter, she is better associated with the likes of Leonard Cohen, Patti Smith, Joni Mitchell and Billy Brag with their hearts on their sleeves and the means to articulate, than with someone capable of just singing and songwriting. Her songs are real and raw." Barney Collins.
I Am She and Quick can be found on all major streaming platforms.
Videos can be viewed below.