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I Am She...

She who has been called a bitch, a cow, a slut, feisty, hysterical. The Valkyrie. She who has been wolf-whistled, watched, and waited for. Who has been touched, unwantedly. Who has been trapped, helplessly. She who has had to run, had to hide. Had to look down, look away. I am she who has seen, heard, bore witness to the many others - she, who was raped, she who only just got away, she who didn’t. She, on the news, in the papers, online, finally found, her body in a lane, in a park, in a pond. She who knew the man coming for her. She who didn’t.

This is life for women here, now.

Project I am She aims to expose the enormity of the problem of misogyny and gender-based violence and abuse by documenting the lived experiences of women.

We speak up for ourselves, for each other, for the many who, already lost, too traumatised or silenced by fear, cannot.


I Am She - song and lyric video


Personal stories from women who wish to be heard.

Project I Am She: Welcome
Project I Am She: Videos
Project I Am She: Blog2
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